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Quality policy

Quality policyA Constant Commitment to Excellence

ZEPNICASIL has made the winning choice to maintain a Quality Management System certified in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, responding to the need to adapt to an increasingly competitive market, which requires increasingly high levels of product and higher service quality.

Our Management System aims to promote a culture of Quality among all those who work in our company. We actively involve our staff in the knowledge and application of Internal Operating Procedures, aimed at achieving high quality standards.

Management and supervision

Management is committed to ensuring that behaviors and directives are aligned with these principles, creating a working environment based on mutual trust and respect to satisfy our customers. We are committed to managing and supervising the Quality Management System in accordance with current regulations and adopting a risk management-based approach.

We have an identified process necessary for the Quality Management System, as well as the measurable indicators useful to keep a constant improvement. We conduct an in-depth analysis to address the risks and opportunities associated with our context and objectives, and we identify relevant stakeholders for our Quality Management System, considering their expectations.

As a demonstration of our concrete commitment, Dr. Lusardi has assumed the role of Quality Assurance Manager and is responsible for managing all activities connected to the System itself.

Our Quality Policy and the objectives to be achieved are explained in the Quality Manual, which is a widespread element of our Management System.

High level organization and management Company policy

Our Company’s policy aims to achieve and maintain a high level of organization and management as a fundamental support for satisfying our customers’ expectations and developing our market shares.

We periodically define and quantify the annual objectives which are communicated to internal stakeholders through specific documents.

How we achieve our goals

Every year we develop improvement plans that allow us to pursue the established objectives.
The strategies we adopt to achieve these goals include:

  • Maintain constant attention to the market to always offer cutting-edge and innovative processes.
  • Provide customers with valid technical-commercial support to recommend the most appropriate solutions.
  • Plan the service management process, rationalizing the operating methods.
  • Ensure careful inspection and maintenance of equipment to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.
  • Always keep equipment efficient to ensure high quality and reduce the risk of service interruptions.
  • Always keep measuring instruments efficient with periodic checks and maintenance in order to guarantee the controls accuracy.
  • Offer complete and timely support to customers to develop and industrialize new treatments.
  • Investing in training and updating of our collaborators, to encourage continuous professional growth and make our services more competitive in terms of quality and costs.

We involve all our employees in achieving these goals, in order to pursue continuous improvement and invest everyone with the responsibility of the QMS.
